Welcome to Ellevate, my signature basketball video course.

➔ Are you looking for new drills to improve your ball-handling and to become a consistent shot maker?
➔ Would you love to develop self confidence on and off the basketball court?
➔ What if you did the simple little skills on a regular basis?
If you want to develop your game to a higher standard, Ellevate is for you. However, becoming great is a continual process and a never ending journey. 

Let me help guide you and your game to a higher level.

Whether you are a youth player, a high school age student, or a college athlete, these are simple yet effective drills to help you make your gym time purposeful and your game shots count.
This video series includes a mixed variety of the shooting and dribbling drills that I routinely used to elevate my skills throughout my high school and college playing career.

These basketball fundamentals are simple yet powerful. They are perfect for individual development or for the entire team. Anyone looking to improve their game will benefit from practicing these skills on a regular basis.

About Ellevate

If you look up the word “Elevate” you will find definitions along the lines of “raising or lifting something to a higher position.” I find it cool that I was able to tie my name “Elle” into my brand “Ellevate” because it is a direct reflection of who I am and how I choose to live my life. Whether I am on the basketball court, in the classroom, or out living my life, my mission is to improve myself and those around me a little higher every day.

Elevating to get where you want is not easy. It’s not supposed to be. It all comes down to how hard you are willing to work and how bad you want it. It doesn’t matter how fast you can get to the top, but rather embracing the journey on your way. You have to be committed in repeating positive habits, discipling yourself, and fueling your mind with a winning mentality. Every challenge that comes your way is a test to see how you respond. Are you going to turn around and give in to failure or are you going to see it as an opportunity to elevate higher than you ever imagined. 

As a small town girl with big time dreams, I worked incredibly hard at whatever I set my mind to. I had to make tough choices along the way but I stayed consistently committed to reaching my goals. Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. The way I carry myself says a lot about who I am and what I value. I have always had great pride in my character and have tried my best to be a positive influence to those around me. We elevate by elevating others. 

My playing career has come to an end but I will forever be a lifetime competitor. I approach and prepare my days as I would a tough practice or a close game by doing the little things right. You choose if you want to win the day or not. Keep in mind that it is a choice to not work hard and to cut corners.

Ellevate your mind, Ellevate your game, to Ellevate your life! The choice is simply yours in how you get to the top. Let me help guide you on your way up.

What Is Contained In This Course

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

From the top of the key to inside the paint, you will feel confident with every step you take and shot you make.


What you will gain from this course:

❖ Confidence in your ability to handle the ball
❖ High intensity game speed drills
❖ Improved shooting mechanics
❖ Greater awareness with an upgrade in hand-eye coordination
❖ An appreciation for simplicity and performing the “little things” consistently
Dribbling Series

In the dribbling series you will be exposed to a wide variety of drills that all work on the needed skills you need to be a successful ball handler. Ball handling goes way beyond simply dribbling a basketball and as you watch, you will gain a whole new perspective on ways to upgrade your handles! 

● A combination of: high intensity, stationary, or on the move drills that you can master at anytime and anywhere. 

● Fun and creative content to enhance your hand eye coordination and ball control. 

 ● A new outlook on how you can practice your ball handling skills without even dribbling the ball.

Shooting Series

In the shooting series you will gain access to the shooting drills that I routinely did throughout my basketball career. These drills focus on developing a good shooting technique with different ways to improve shooting mechanics, footwork, and shooting the basketball at game speed. 


A variety of stationary and on the move drills involving game like shots from different spots on the court


Learning simple yet effective ways to create space from your defender to get shots off


Shooting drills focused on guiding you to form a mindset that fights through fatigue and challenges you to make shots when you are tired.

It is the little things done consistently and remarkably that make a big difference.

From your first dribble to your final shot, you will gain crucial ball handling skills and improve your shot mechanics.
Don’t have access to a hoop? No problem, players are provided with stationary and high intensity dribbling workouts that can be anywhere.
With consistent practice comes consistent results. This is how great players are formed.
Cone drills will enhance your speed and agility while simultaneously upgrading your ability to handle the basketball.